Thursday, April 3, 2014


Painful and surprising family crisis + PMS + husband being gone 24/7 and also leaving all next week + i was finally going to have time with him last night but he ditched me to go to a movie with his friends instead + i ran into everyone in the world today on campus right after i rolled out of bed and braved the outside world thinking i might get lucky and not see anyone i know. but then i actually saw everyone. so, yeah ugly kerri plus i didn't have the stamina to fake any smiles today.

and i just want to go to arizona. also i am so incredibly selfish for even saying any of this and acting like i am the victim. cuz I'm not. i realize I'm doing the opposite of counting my blessings. (and i realize there are many.) and I'm not being a wonderful, positive, and grateful person. let's face it. I'm not that person. not one bit. at least not today.

today is rotten like a rotten egg.

so i'm going to go take a nap.

i hope nobody reads this but it had to be written. I'm thinking about making this blog private anyways, for this very reason.



  1. I love how honest you are. It kind of makes me laugh. In a good way :) if it makes you feel any better I had the worst day today to. I am just too chicken to blog about it...

    1. thats probably good. sometimes my brutal honesty gets me into less than stellar situations. ha. I'm sorry you had a bad day! seriously...bad days are just the worst!

    2. but i figure its my blog i can write about what i want! you can do the same, too. :) hope things are better tomorrow for ya. :)

    3. I love your brutal honesty, that's my favorite part about your blog! And Jane's tantrums and your conversations with your husband :)
      Ps. Sometimes Emma pulls a face that totally reminds me on Jane in a way. I think it is too cute... I think our babies should be pen pals or something!

  2. This is why I LOVE your blog. You're so honest about life - good and bad. So many other people just want to show the highlight reel, but you show real life. Things like "marriage is hard work, but it's worth it" that other people are scared to say but that everyone needs to hear. I would be so bummed if you made your blog private!! But I guess it's your blog so you can do what you want. :-) I hope your day gets better! I'll say a prayer for you!

    1. thanks! yeah i probably won't make it private. as long as i don't start getting crap for writing whatever i want to write :) haha

  3. I heard about your uncle, Kerri, and I am so so so sorry for you and your whole family. He was way too young to have to leave Dawn and his kids. If there is anything I can do to help in anyway, please let me know! I would love to bring you dinner or watch Jane or something to help make getting through it all even a little bit easier.

  4. Oh Kerri, I have SO been there. I know everyone has. It reminded me of that one comedian, I forget who, but he said something like "the other day there was a story on the news about a woman who killed all her children. Turns out, all she needed was a nap." hahaha It's so true!! Sometimes even just 20 or 30 minutes of sleep can totally change everything. Hope things are better now. Love you!!

    1. yeah reading back i feel dumb posting this, but those feelings seemed very validated at the time. haha. but yes, naps are wonderful!

  5. This hit me. I have so been there. The other night I was like, "This is ridiculous. I am taking a nap before anything else can go wrong," and it fixed everything.

    1. thanks for the moral support! glad I'm not the only one :)
