Monday, May 5, 2014

Apartment Woes

Ok. I put my dishes in an actual dishwasher yesterday.
A dishwasher that actually is in my apartment.
and then, an hour later without any effort:
i may have teared up a bit out of pure joy.
Oh and then I had laundry to do.
So I walked 10 steps and put my clothes in the washer.
A washer that is ALSO in my apartment.
No more treks across wymount carrying 2 weeks worth of laundry for me!
(wymount is the name of my old apartment complex)
So that was also heaven.

The point is, I love our new apartment.
There is plenty of room for jane to crawl around and explore.
and when i want to do pilates,
there is actually enough room for me to lay my yoga mat down on the ground-
without it running into a wall or couch.
also it has a fireplace.
and i feel like royalty.

I do miss wymount though. the people, mostly.
these apartments I'm living in now beat wymount apartments.
but the people at wymount and the memories made there are actually unbeatable.
i will never forget that tiny little apartment- the one i brought jane home in.
and where she made her first little friends.

oh wymount, with it's cinder-block walls and velcro confetti carpet.
and- now it's being torn down- in all of its glory.
along with so many wonderful memories.
so this is my sappy tribute to an apartment complex, in poetic form:

(picture this on a tombstone)

here lies the remnants of quad 7
former home of the best people
who had the cutest babies
and basically everything was perfect
until BYU tore it down and ruined everything.
long live quad 7!

(this'll be awkward it nobody from quad 7 reads this because you are about the only people on the planet who will even remotely appreciate this post.)


  1. Love it! I'm totally jealous of your new apartment :) Also, they have done absolutely no demolishing of the quad yet...I don't know what the rush was all about in getting us out of there. Miss ya'll lots!

  2. Hey Kerri! I am glad you guys are all settled to your new apartment. I just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blog, and I would love to have some tips from you on how to grow the number of my followers. I am new to the blogging world (I guess not that new, it's been 6months now that I have had it). Anyway, any help would be much appreciated! I hope you are enjoying not having to split your time between your family and school anymore. If you have a minute check out my blog and let me know your feedback, either with a comment or an email. Thanks!

  3. It’s good to hear that you didn’t find any problems in your new apartment. At least it won’t be as hard for you to adjust, thanks to the fact that the facilities are functioning well. Anyway, your old apartment will always be missed, especially with those special memories you had there.

    Andrew Bald
