Tuesday, September 1, 2015

August Blurbs

The Kitchen Helper AKA beater licker: I seem to be coming up with a lot of excuses to bake lately. But usually all Jane says the whole time is "I just want some of dat sugar momma!"

Don't we all! (these are my mother in law's EXTREMELY ADDICTING peanut butter bars. Like, the kind thing to do would be to not share the recipe because then you will make them, and eat the whole pan in one night, probably.)

Preschool with Jane: I've been doing "school" with Jane a couple times a week. (I'm loving it- it forces me to be creative and gives us one on one time, and she is a total sponge and so fun to teach!) I pick a letter for us to focus on each time. This particular day was "H" and so we made a "Hat".  She showed her hat to jeff when he got home and he asked "jane what is that?!" and she said "huh, huh" (making the H sound, she apparently thought that's what her hat was called.) 

The Kid- Friendly Anniversary: We celebrated 3 years and to celebrate we went on a hot date. With both of our children. But he brought home flowers and we watched our wedding video with Jane and she loved it. It made me so happy and brought back the best memories. If anyone is reading this who was at my wedding: THANK YOU! Every single person who was there that day just made me happy- I still cant get over how loved I felt that day. Every single one of my most cherished humans on this planet put their life on hold to celebrate us! And now every year on August 18th we get to relive that and realize how much more we love each other than we did that day. (which we didn't think was possible.)

Sniffed to death: getting all up in my anniversary flower business.

The Kangaroo Pouch: One month post-baby...It always looks worse in pictures than it is in my head. But look at that marvelous little human that I got out of it. Also, I wish I was in more pictures with my kids. I'm always the one taking pictures....and if for some reason Jeff has the camera out, I look like a pile of baby barf. (literally and figuratively)

A Remedy: (for the aforementioned pouch) I want to sing all the praises about the workout routine I've fallen into. It's heaven sent. Me and a few other moms in my ward meet every day in this seriously deserted gym. Altogether we have 10 kids! There is gym equipment in the back of the gym. (cardio machines and weight machines- everything!) SO we work out while our kids burn ALL the energy and have a blast together. There is a playpen with toys for the kids AND! Get this! There is a couch. We have obviously dubbed it the nursing couch. (we all just had baby girls within the last 2 months).  It's the highlight of Jane's day, and mine! She gets interaction with kids her age and I get interaction with other adults. (who are also really awesome.) The picture below is her and her friend Sarah. "I will share my raisins with sa-yuh"

Camping!: We went camping as a family! Well, I came and helped set up the tent, had a barbecue and stayed until it got dark and cold and then went home with Lyla. We stayed just long enough for me to say to myself 'dang, it is COLD. I'm so glad I have a valid excuse to go home.' Jane stayed and slept with Jeff in the tent like a trooper. I really do LOVE camping and being in the outdoors but ya know, when it comes down to it- sometimes a nice warm bed just seems to sound a lot better.

The Green Wagon: This wagon is sort of becoming the stuff of legends. It's my friend Nikki's and even we have gotten good use of it! HA! This was the day we decided to go visiting teaching with all of our kids (we each have 2) and WALK to both of the ladies' houses. It ended up being a 5 hour ordeal, which neither of us had anticipated. Good thing we like each other! This cute girl with Jane is Ku'ulei. Jane loves playing with her and especially enjoys mooching off of her snacks...

The Double Edged Sword: Lyla sleeps like a champ at night in her swing. But during the day she insists on being held...but if I am holding her, I must be performing a rather vigorous rocking motion, doing my best to mimick that darn swing. She is not patient with me. But I mean, look at that face! All the rocking your heart could ever desire, little girl, coming right up!

The bread that will never rise: Yeah I kind of give up on getting those luscious loaves of bread. I will settle for bricks. Luckily homemade jam and cinnamon honey butter can make ANYTHING taste good and can make anyone forget that my bread came closer to deflation than rising.

Jane, the comforter: She always tries to comfort Lyla when she cries. Jeff left the room the other day, and Lyla started crying. Jane assuming she was crying because jeff left (NOPE) says: "Ohhhh.... yi-yuh, it's oh-tay. He is cummin back!"

Royalty: We visited our first castle and the views from the top were amazing! It was also very fitting too, especially if you ask Jane because she regularly refers to herself as 'the princess', mommy as 'the queen', and daddy as 'the king'. So yeah, we felt totally at home.

 The stupid 100 first words book: I guess I just expected her to outgrow this book because I grew tired of it about 6 months ago. She is still going strong and loving it. So this time, I passed the unique opportunity off to daddy.

"MUH-YIN!": Just cuddling up to her sweet friend Marin at the gym. I stopped my workout to snap this pic. (and oh yes, our workouts are SO not uninterrupted. but I love that we get to workout without neglecting our children! it really is the best of both worlds.)

Sleeping beauty: This picture to document the first time Lyla slept 6 hours without waking up. I woke up after that stretch and felt like I could fly. She has been rocking it at night time. Pun absolutely intended.

Nature lover: I have been putting in a deliberate effort lately to instill into Jane a true appreciation for nature. She was born a nature lover and is ALWAYS happiest outside, but I've been wanting her to really appreciate the beauty and splendor of the world around us. Well last night she came up to me and said "Should we go on a walk and look at the sunset?"

Yeah, didn't hesitate with the answer to that one! Already a lover of sunsets, and it makes this momma happy!

The game: 
"Jane do you want to climb these rocks?"
"Oh yeah! It will be a game!"
...well ok then!

and one last picture that I just love: no blurbs, just love. be happy and free, my sweet little girl!


  1. Okay, I love all of this. I'm so happy that you guys are so happy and have a great group of friends there! Lyla looks SO beautiful in that picture where her arms are stretched out. Oh how I want to kiss those cheeks! Miss you guys so much!

  2. I love all your adventures. I died laughing about that book. I had the same book and soon hated it! It magically disappeared. My look and find books are soon to follow its fate.
