Sunday, February 28, 2016

The First Snaps

Like I mentioned in the last post, I got a new DSLR camera! It has been really fun trying to figure out how to use it. These pictures will give you a visual display of my evolution thus far ;) And it will soon be quite obvious that Lyla has been my most wonderful little model. She just stays still and stares at this big black thing that I'm sticking in her face. I love this age, when smiles come easy, and mobility is not yet a possibility. Oh and I know that these "holding still" moments are fleeting so I'm relishing it as much as I can. Jane is not into being a model. She wants to be the one to "take a pic-chuh!"

For those of you who know anything about photography, don't judge too harshly ;) (The first 5 pictures were in automatic and the rest were in manual. None of them are perfect, but it's really fun for me to learn!)

The day I got the camera is also the day Jeff got home from a 10 day training. (a 10 day training that seemed a lot longer than 10 days, might I add) I was glad to capture the blissful reunion. Jane was so happy to have her daddy home again. The night he got home, she requested that he put her to bed and when he was about to walk out she said "Goodnight Dad. Now, don't go back to work tomorrow, okayyyyyy?!"

Lyla the cutest little model:
 ^^ caught her little babbling mouth in action. She has discovered the sound of her own voice, and is pretty darn fond of it.
 ^^ Lyla's save me from my sister face is too good.

Jane has been challenging lately and I keep thinking it probably has something to do with the fact that she doesn't get enough fresh air and sunshine. Those two things are such vital parts of her happiness! (and I totally get that- Sunshine is medicine for the soul!) But turns our Germany is not friendly with the sun in the winter time. It rarely comes out. But the other day, it did. So even though it was still only 30 degrees outside we bundled up and went to play. It lasted about 3 minutes before she got too cold, but I snapped some cute pictures.

Sunday Snippets
^^ sunday morning pre-church pictures.
 a perfect time to dig for gold, yeah?

This handsome guy decided to sit down (willingly!) and take pictures with his girls. I always love when he wears blue. And when his hair is a little longer. Let it be known, every time I ever say to him "Oh I love your hair right now," he replies with "Well that's a shame because I have to cut it tonight." #armyguyprobz
I love my little family. Happy sunday!


  1. Your girls are so beautiful and remind me of you and/or Rachel when you were that age. We miss you!

  2. Looooove your little family. Can you guys come visit Sweden in the next month before we go please?? ;)

  3. Soooo, you're good at doing hair now? I see little girls with cute hair all the time and its intimidating because I imagine Olivias hair just being a hot mess every day haha

  4. Soooo, you're good at doing hair now? I see little girls with cute hair all the time and its intimidating because I imagine Olivias hair just being a hot mess every day haha
