Friday, April 6, 2012

in loving memory...

...of the sunshine. 
i'm trying to live in the past.
meaning yesterday.
seeing as today it is a blizzard.
see that sun shining on our cute little engaged faces?
yeah me too.
today? not so much. 
good thing we still light up with love :)

i believe it was a mere two days ago.
when we hiked up a mountain (pansy style)
and had a picnic.
then went swimming. outside
and dried ourselves off-
compliments of the blazing rays of sun
shining down on us
turning us a nice golden brown color.
today. we just turn red.
because we are frozen.
and frozen skin turns red.
and guess what.
brown red
true story.
you know what else is a true story?
im engaged to my best friend!
that little fact makes me feel warm inside
even when it's a winter (in spring) wonderland.

on another note.
i love general conference. 
i know that was so last weekend
but I'm not over it.
im so excited to re watch and re read all the talks.
{with my fiancé} 
in a couple days i will write down in this blessed blog some of my favorite parts
of my favorite talks.
i plan on soaking them up again
and soaking them up extra to make up for the lack of
sun to soak up in my life.
did you like how i tied it all together just then?

1 comment:

  1. Quit being so dang cute already!
    We loved conference too. You definitely don't need to apply much of Elder Holland's talk, nor do you need to avoid that extra quart of pickle juice.



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